Aogiri High School’s VTuber “Moemi” Reaches 100K YouTube Channel Subscribers in 8 Years of Activity

Moemi (萌実), a talent of Aogiri High School (あおぎり高校), a VTuber agency operated by viviON, inc., reached 100K YouTube Channel subscribers on March 6 (PST).

© viviON

Moemi debuted on March 3, 2017; she is one of the oldest VTuber talents, having debuted at the dawn of her career, and moved to Aogiri High School on March 26, 2024.

© viviON

Moemi’s 100K channel subscribers was achieved in 2,925 days from her debut date. This is a significant record for Moemi, who has been active for 8 years and is now in her 9 year.
