Aogiri High School’s VTuber “Moemi” Reaches 100K YouTube Channel Subscribers in 8 Years of Activity
Moemi (萌実), a talent of Aogiri High School (あおぎり高校), a VTuber agency operated by viviON, inc., reached 100K YouTube Channel subscribers on March 6 (PST).

© viviON
Moemi debuted on March 3, 2017; she is one of the oldest VTuber talents, having debuted at the dawn of her career, and moved to Aogiri High School on March 26, 2024.
Moemi’s 100K channel subscribers was achieved in 2,925 days from her debut date. This is a significant record for Moemi, who has been active for 8 years and is now in her 9 year.