hololive Production’s Total YouTube Channel Subscribers Surpass 100 Million, a First for a VTuber Agency
COVER Corporation-operated VTuber agency hololive Production (ホロライブプロダクション) s’ total number of YouTube channel subscribers (affiliated talents and official) has reached 100,694,600, making it the first VTuber agency to reach the 100 million mark.

© 2016 COVER Corp.
The number of subscribers to the YouTube channel of hololive Production had reached a total of 94,541,500 as of February 21, 1:00 (PST) for talents of the company. Since then, the subscribers has continued to grow steadily, from the new talents unit “FLOWGLOW" of Japanese group “hololive DEV_IS" to existing talents, and has now reached the 100 million mark for the first time in terms of total channel subscribers (including official).
The record set by hololive Production is extremely significant for the VTuber industry as a whole, as it also marks the birth of the first VTuber agency with a total of 100 million subscribers.
hololive Production’s Total YouTube Channel Subscribers
Talent | Group | Subscribers |
Gawr Gura (がうる・ぐら) | hololive English | 4.55M |
Houshou Marine (宝鐘マリン) | hololive | 3.87M |
Usada Pekora (兎田ぺこら) | hololive | 2.69M |
Hoshimachi Suisei (星街すいせい) | hololive | 2.65M |
Kobo Kanaeru (こぼ・かなえる) | hololive Indonesia | 2.65M |
Shirakami Fubuki (白上フブキ) | hololive | 2.55M |
Mori Calliope (森カリオペ) | hololive English | 2.51M |
Sakura Miko (さくらみこ) | hololive | 2.33M |
Inugami Korone (戌神ころね) | hololive | 2.19M |
Shirogane Noel (白銀ノエル) | hololive | 2M |
Nekomata Okayu (猫又おかゆ) | hololive | 1.95M |
OozoraSubaru (大空スバル) | hololive | 1.84M |
Watson Amelia (ワトソン・アメリア) * | hololive English | 1.79M |
Tsunomaki Watame (角巻わため) | hololive | 1.64M |
Ninomae Ina’nis (一伊那尓栖) | hololive English | 1.61M |
Nakiri Ayame (百鬼あやめ) | hololive | 1.61M |
Amane Kanata (天音かなた) | hololive | 1.6M |
Takanashi Kiara (小鳥遊キアラ) | hololive English | 1.57M |
Akai Haato (赤井はあと) | hololive | 1.55M |
Natsuiro Matsuri (夏色まつり) | hololive | 1.51M |
Tokoyami Towa (常闇トワ) | hololive | 1.5M |
Shishiro Botan (獅白ぼたん) | hololive | 1.5M |
Moona Hoshinova (ムーナ・ホシノヴァ) | hololive Indonesia | 1.38M |
Sakamata Chloe (沙花叉クロヱ) * | hololive | 1.37M |
Kureiji Ollie (クレイジー・オリー) | hololive Indonesia | 1.37M |
La+ Darknesss (ラプラス・ダークネス) | hololive | 1.34M |
Murasaki Shion (紫咲シオン) | hololive | 1.32M |
Yukihana Lamy (雪花ラミィ) | hololive | 1.31M |
Omaru Polka (尾丸ポルカ) | hololive | 1.3M |
Ookami Mio (大神ミオ) | hololive | 1.28M |
Tokino Sora (ときのそら) | hololive | 1.27M |
Momosuzu Nene (桃鈴ねね) | hololive | 1.27M |
Hakui Koyori (博衣こより) | hololive | 1.26M |
AZKi | hololive | 1.19M |
Shiranui Flare (不知火フレア) | hololive | 1.12M |
Nanashi Mumei (七詩ムメイ) | hololive English | 1.12M |
FUWAMOCO (フワモコ / Fuwawa Abyssgard (フワワ・アビスガード)& Mococo Abyssgard(モココ・アビスガード)) | hololive English | 1.12M |
Yuzuki Choco (癒月ちょこ) | hololive | 1.09M |
Himemori Luna (姫森ルーナ) | hololive | 1.08M |
IRyS | hololive English | 1.07M |
Robocosan (ロボ子さん) | hololive | 1.07M |
Kazama Iroha (風真いろは) | hololive | 1.06M |
Juufuutei Raden (儒烏風亭らでん) | hololive DEV_IS | 1.05M |
Takane Lui (鷹嶺ルイ) | hololive | 1.04M |
Hakos Baelz (ハコス・ベールズ) | hololive English | 1.04M |
Ouro Kronii (オーロ・クロニー) | hololive English | 1.04M |
Aki Rosenthal (アキ・ローゼンタール) | hololive | 985K |
Vestia Zeta (ベスティア・ゼータ) | hololive Indonesia | 956K |
Ayunda Risu (アユンダ・リス) | hololive Indonesia | 931K |
Tosoroki Hajime (轟はじめ) | hololive DEV_IS | 893K |
Kaela Kovalskia (カエラ・コヴァルスキア) | hololive Indonesia | 841K |
Nerissa Ravencroft (ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト) | hololive English | 836K |
Pavolia Reine (パヴォリア・レイネ) | hololive Indonesia | 825K |
Koseki Bijou (古石ビジュー) | hololive English | 797K |
Airani Iofifteen (アイラニ・イオフィフティーン) | hololive Indonesia | 783K |
Anya Melfissa (アーニャ・メルフィッサ) | hololive Indonesia | 739K |
Hiodoshi Ao (火威青) | hololive DEV_IS | 685K |
Otonose Kanade (音乃瀬奏) | hololive DEV_IS | 652K |
Ichijou Ririka (一条莉々華) | hololive DEV_IS | 640K |
Shiori Novella (シオリ・ノヴェラ) | hololive English | 626K |
Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame (エリザベス・ローズ・ブラッドフレイム) | hololive English | 501K |
Raora Pathera (ラオーラ・パンテーラ) | hololive English | 496K |
Gigi Murin (ジジ・ムリン) | hololive English | 410K |
Cecilia Immergreen (セシリア・イマーグリーン) | hololive English | 400K |
Koganei Niko (虎金妃笑虎) | hololive DEV_IS | 376K |
Yukoku Roberu (夕刻ロベル) | HOLOSTARS | 339K |
Mizumiya Su (水宮枢) | hololive DEV_IS | 328K |
Rindo Chihaya (輪堂千速) | hololive DEV_IS | 307K |
Kikirara Vivi (綺々羅々ヴィヴィ) | hololive DEV_IS | 306K |
Regis Altare (リージス・アルテア) | HOLOSTARS English | 302K |
YuzukiChoco (癒月ちょこ / Sub Channel) | hololive | 298K |
Astel Leda (アステル・レダ) | HOLOSTARS | 276K |
Rikka (律可) | HOLOSTARS | 254K |
Kanade Izuru (奏手イズル) | HOLOSTARS | 244K |
Isaki Riona (響咲リオナ) | hololive DEV_IS | 242K |
Axel Syrios (アクセル・シリオス) | HOLOSTARS English | 237K |
Arurandeisu (アルランディス) | HOLOSTARS | 225K |
Kageyama Shien (影山シエン) | HOLOSTARS | 224K |
Aka Haato (赤井はあと / Sub Channel) | hololive | 196K |
Aragami Oga (荒咬オウガ) | HOLOSTARS | 192K |
Gavis Bettel (ガビス・ベッテル) | HOLOSTARS English | 179K |
Banzoin Hakka (万象院ハッカ) | HOLOSTARS English | 179K |
Aki Rosenthal (アキ・ローゼンタール / Sub Channel) | hololive | 179K |
Minase Rio (水無世燐央) | HOLOSTARS | 160K |
Machina X Flayon (マキナ・X・フレオン) | HOLOSTARS English | 151K |
Hanasaki Miyabi (花咲みやび) | HOLOSTARS | 148K |
Yatogami Fuma (夜十神封魔) | HOLOSTARS | 148K |
Kishido Temma (岸堂天馬) | HOLOSTARS | 140K |
Jurard T Rexford (ジュラルド・ティー・レクスフォード) | HOLOSTARS English | 136K |
Josuiji Shinri (定水寺シンリ) | HOLOSTARS English | 132K |
Utsugi Uyu (羽継烏有) | HOLOSTARS | 103K |
Octavio (オクタビオ) | HOLOSTARS English | 94.8K |
Crimzon Ruze (クリムゾン・ルーズ) | HOLOSTARS English | 82.8K |
Goldbullet (ゴールドブレット) | HOLOSTARS English | 74K |
* “Conclusion of Streaming Activities" talents who continue their affiliation after graduation.
Channel | Subscribers |
hololive (ホロライブ) | 2.76M |
hololive English | 845K |
hololive Indonesia | 551K |
hololive DEV_IS ReGLOSS | 479K |
HOLOSTARS (ホロスターズ) | 274K |
hololive DEV_IS FLOW GLOW | 193K |
HOLOSTARS English | 124K |
Talents Total | 95,468,600 |
Official Total | 5,226,000 |
Agency Total | 100,694,600 |